RenCaRe Call for Post-Graduate Student Proposals 2013

As part of the RenCaRe project, funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the RP-PCP will support eight Zimbabwean students for post-graduate degrees

The research platform Production and Conservation in Partnership (RP-PCP; is a research and academic consortium associating UZ, NUST, CIRAD and CNRS. The overall objective of the platform is to contribute to sustainable development, biodiversity conservation and improved rural livelihoods in Southern Africa, through strengthening national research capacities, multidisciplinary approaches and institutional partnerships.
As part of the RenCaRe project, funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the RP-PCP will support eight Zimbabwean students for post-graduate degrees. Selected candidates will receive a grant to carry out their research in relation with the co-existence of protected areas and neighbouring production areas within Transfrontier Conservation Areas in Zimbabwe. Applications are welcome on or before 31st July 2013, using the application form and the full text of the call, which may be downloaded below:

- RenCare Call for Propopsal (pdf)

- Appendix A (word)

Good luck!

Published: 01/07/2013