Call for Support to SADC Post-graduate (Phd/Masters) students involved in TFCA research

The RenCaRe project has opened for positions (2 Phd and 2 Masters) for non-zimbabwean SADC students working in TFCAs.

Following the selection of 8 Zimbabwean postgraduate students, the RenCaRe project now opens 4 positions for SADC students to support their postgraduate studies on the coexistence of Man & Nature in the TransFrontier Conservation Areas.

The call was lunched on the 8th of October and closes on the 3rd of November 2013.

Please find attached:

- The call for proposal description (pdf)

- The word template for submission (word)

Good luck to potential participants!!

M. de Garine-Wichatitsky

RenCaRe Coordinator

Published: 09/10/2013