Gugulethu Tarakini

Last update: 22 July 2020

Title: Plant-pollinator networks in natural and agricultural habitats of the semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe

This study is mainly aimed at establishing plant-pollinator interactions in a landscape context (agricultural and natural lands) in Zimbabwe to inform on the vulnerability of the pollinators to pressures in the ecosystems. Major factors influencing Apis melliferaand Liotrigona parvula pollinator specieswill be analysed; including pesticide use, types of agro ecosystem and climate variables. These results will be critical for mitigating future negative effects of global environmental change.

Research question: What is the level of vulnerability of Apismelliferaand Liotrigona parvulapollinator species in relation to climate and human factors?


  1. Does temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation intensity, wind velocity and barometric pressure have an effect on Apis melliferaand Liotrigona parvulapollinator species abundance and foraging time?
  2. How does abundances and foraging behaviour of Apis melliferaand Liotrigona parvulavary across various agro ecosystems 
  3. To what extend are the activities of dominant pollinator species affecting Apismelliferaand Liotrigona parvula?
  4. Is there a difference in honey production from bee hives sited in mixed and diversified cropping systems and those in monoculture systems?
  5. How do local farmers and stakeholders perceive pollinator threats and conservation?

The immediate scientific gaps to be closed by the study include the production of a pollinator inventory, establishment of plant pollinator interactions, identification of agro ecosystems that promote pollinator conservation and effect of climate on pollinators which will translate into the following outcomes and impacts: improved agriculture, climate change mitigation, increased biodiversity, food security and employment creation. This study  contributes  to sustainable development goal (SDG) 1 and 2 of eradicating poverty and improving food security respectively, Africa development aspiration 1 of achieving a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development and lastly Zimbabwe Agenda for sustainable development ZIMASSET cluster of food security and nutrition.

Last update: 22 July 2020